Video Games: The movie questions

1. What are some of the reasons video games were successful? What makes a game popular?
-Video Games are successful because players are able to immerse themselves into a virtual world. Players are able to do things that they are not able to do in real life. Games also relieve stress because players are focused on the game and temporarily forget about the real world. Video games are successful because unlike a movie, you are able to control the story. Players are able to determine the fate of the character. A game is popular because it has a good story. A game is also popular because the game is addicting making it playable for a longer amount of time. Games that are popular right now are usually unique, making them different from other games.

2. What are some of the reasons why the video game industry crashed in the 1980s?
-The first reason is that companies released too many games at once, especially during Christmas. Companies released games without any story or innovation behind them. They just cared about selling as much as possible in the shortest time interval. This resulted in games that were terrible quality and to repetitive. Customers were then tired of purchasing bad games which resulted in the game industry crashing.

3. Do you think video games are a form of art? Why or why not?
-Yes, I believe video games are a form of art. Art is defined as an expression of imagination in a visual form. That is exactly what Video Games are.  Video games are created from imagination and played in a visual form.

4. What is the next evolution in video games? What are the challenges that need to be solved in the next generation of games?
- The next evolution in video games is trying to make them as realistic as possible. This will eventually come since technology is always advancing. The only challenge that needs to be solved in the next generation of games is to add something new. People will eventually get bored if there is no innovation in video games. This already happen during the 1980s. Video Games were released with terrible quality and bad content. As long as video game creators are always finding new ways to keep games relevant, the next generation of games should be doing well.
