Kodu Pac Man

Game Play
Kodu Code
CPU code

1. My version of the Pacman game is very close to the original game. The main difference is that in the original game, the player is able to consume a power up that enables him to eat the CPU;S(Ghosts). My game has a power up, but instead of enabling you to eat the ghosts, you just move faster. I do not think there is a actual way of coding the power up so that you can eat the ghosts.

2. One creative detail that I did is that I added my own power up. The only power up is available in the original game is the ability to eat the ghosts. In my game, I added a power up that makes you go faster. I added this power up because it makes the game more interesting. It would be too boring if you're only eating apples.

3. The biggest difficulty that I had was to program the bot so that the game is not impossible to beat. It was very difficult to make not to hard and not to easy. I constantly experimented with different codes until I got a near perfect ghost.

4. One of my beta testers complained that the game is to difficult. But I believe that when the game is difficult, it becomes more addicting, which means that the game is good. Even he was addicted. I tried his suggestions but the game became to easy. I rather play a game that's reasonably difficult instead of an easy game.

5. If I was to improve the game, I would make the world bigger, that way the game would be much longer. Other then that I think the game is reasonably good. Maybe I would add more details in the world. But other than that, I would not change too much since the game is already good enough.
